Great Ways to Cook White Beans

Many cooks are reluctant to cook beans due to the long cooking time. But this problem can be easily solved, with the following tips.

Add Baking Soda

First of all, dry white beans need prolonged soaking (at least 12-24 hours). Adding baking soda to the soaking water speeds up the softening of the legume during cooking, but on the other hand, it impairs the content of B vitamins in the legume and is therefore not recommended.

Use a Pressure Cooker

A pressure cooker can be used to shorten the cooking time. And like chickpeas, here too it is recommended to cook a large number of beans at once and divide them into small portions and freeze.

Remove the White Foam from the Cooking Water

It is highly recommended to remove the white foam that accumulates in the cooking water when cooking the beans. This will help reduce the problematic effects of eating beans on the digestive tract.

Buy Frozen Beans

An option that does not involve cooking, is to buy frozen beans. There’s a rich variety of frozen legumes between them with white beans and red beans.

Use Canned Beans

Another quick option is canned beans, but they are less recommended, as even those that do not contain preservatives contain a large amount of sodium, which encourages calcium secretion and is also not suitable for people with high blood pressure.