Grow Your Own Garlic From Scraps at Home

Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

Garlic, a total must-have in cuisines worldwide, not only amps up the flavor in dishes but also packs some serious health perks. And guess what? You can tap into garlic’s magic right in your own kitchen by regrowing it from leftover cloves. Here’s how.

Garlic Sprouts

To get some new garlic sprouts going, place leftover whole cloves in a cup with the green tip pointing up. Add a splash of water so the bottoms of the cloves get a little wet, and don’t forget to swap out the water every couple of days to keep things fresh. Before you know it, you’ll see lively garlic sprouts shooting up, perfect for tossing in your salads.

Whole Garlic

If you’re after the full garlic bulb experience, consider planting leftover cloves in the ground come springtime. Just a heads-up, though: some garlic might be treated with compounds that prevent it from sprouting. To check, put your garlic in the fridge for about a week and keep an eye out for a tiny green sprout.

It’s so easy! So why not give it a shot? Start regrowing your garlic today and kick your cooking up a notch with fresh, homegrown flavor.