Here Are Some Cooking No-Nos to Avoid

Cooking mistakes to avoid
Photo by Kevin McCutcheon on Unsplash

We’re all human beings, even those of us who are rockstar home cooks. And that means that we all make mistakes in the kitchen sometimes. No worries, you live and learn. And here are a few things we’ve learned we should stop doing while cooking.

Overstirring Food

When you’re trying to brown food in the pan, try to fight your instincts to stir the food. Because even though it’s important to stir certain dishes while they cook, your food will never get a good sear or crust if you keep moving it around.

Not Sharpening Your Knives

Not only do dull knives make your life in the kitchen much harder by making you have to put more effort into chopping, but it’s actually more dangerous to work with dull knives than sharp ones. So save yourself a headache and a sliced finger and go ahead and get in the habit of sharpening your knives every so often.

“Roasting” Damp Ingredients

While rinsing your produce before cooking with it is a good habit to be in for your health, putting wet veggies in the oven to roast is a terrible idea, as it’ll just steam them instead of helping them get golden and delicious. So make sure you pat everything dry before you get to roasting.