Here’s What to Do if Your Mushrooms are Releasing Water

Photo by Thanh Soledas on Unsplash

Mushrooms can be prepared in many different ways, but it takes some skill to do it right. The biggest problem with this tasty veggie is that they tend to release a lot of water while cooking. If you noticed liquids seeping out of your mushrooms, here’s how you can solve this problem.

No Washing

Some people swear by washing their mushrooms, while others avoid it at all costs. The tricky thing about mushrooms is that they tend to absorb liquids pretty quickly, and you should gently scrub them to clean up the dirt instead of soaking them in water whenever possible.

Heat Control

Cooking mushrooms on low heat won’t do them any favors because they’ll simmer in the liquid that’s been released along the way. You can turn down the heat once the water evaporates, but it’s recommended to start the cooking process with medium or high heat.

Give Them Room

If you don’t give your mushrooms enough room to properly cook, they might start steaming along the way. This problem won’t occur if you’re not overcrowding the pan, so it’s a good idea to prepare your mushrooms in a small batch and proceed to the next one after they brown.