Here’s Why Fast Food Is So Bad For You

fast food
Photo by Rania alhamed/Pexels

A common topic when it comes to unhealthy nutrition is that fast food needs to be avoided at all costs. This isn’t just some myth, or dramatic speech to scare people. Fast food really is absurdly unhealthy, and something that shouldn’t be consumed on a regular basis. If you’re wondering what it is about fast food that makes it so unhealthy, here are some factors you should consider.

Sugar, Fat, and Calories

First off, let’s talk about the fact that fast food is loaded with sugar and salt, which can lead to high blood pressure and diabetes. Then, there are the fats, and we’re not talking about healthy fats. Fast food is filled with unhealthy fats such as trans fats and saturated fats, which can lead to high cholesterol. To make matters even worse, fast food generally has a very high calorie count, which can lead to obesity.

Low In Nutrients

Fast food suffers from what it has, but also from what it doesn’t have. You won’t find a fast food dish that has plenty of fiber, minerals, or vitamins, which are things that every growing body needs. Then, of course, there’s the fact that most fast foods are filled with processed foods, preservatives, and artificial flavors. When you take all of these matters into consideration, eating fast food is kind of like waging war against your own body, and not equipping it with proper defensive nutrients to even try to protect itself.