How to Choose the Best Tomatoes When Grocery Shopping

Photo by Robert Kalinagil on Unsplash

Whether you’re making a fresh salad, whipping up a to-die-for pasta sauce, or just eating them as-is—picking the right tomatoes can make all the difference. Here are some tips to help you select the best ones every time you hit the grocery store.


Look for vibrant, rich colors. Whether it’s red, yellow, or heirloom green, a deep hue indicates ripeness and flavor.


Give your potential tomato purchases a gentle squeeze. The perfect tomato should be firm but have a slight give. Too hard means unripe, too soft means overripe.


Bring the tomato up to your nose and take a sniff. A ripe tomato will typically have an earthy aroma. Don’t smell anything? It’s probably lacking flavor.


Look for smooth, unblemished skin. Stay away from tomatoes with cracks or wrinkles, as these can be a sign of age or damage.


Pro tip: Pick up a few tomatoes and compare their weight. Heavier tomatoes are juicier and more flavorful.


Whenever possible, opt for locally grown tomatoes. They’re usually fresher, having traveled less distance to reach you.

On your next tomato-shopping adventure, try using these tips to get the best of the bunch. This is sure to make your dishes extra delicious.