How to Eat Bread Without Gaining Weight

Healthy bread
Photo by Wesual Click on Unsplash

Bread is high in carbs, which is why it’s one of the first things people tend to cut from their diet when trying to lose weight. Here are a few tips that’ll help you enjoy bread while maintaining a healthy weight.

Stick to Whole Grains

As you probably already know, whole grain foods are more nutritious and healthier because they are packed with important nutrients such as fiber, protein, and vitamins. That’s why you should always make sure to buy whole grain bread by checking the ingredient list first.

Homemade Bread

Preparing homemade bread has many benefits because it tastes better and is cheaper. This bread is also always a healthier option than store-bough bread that usually contains preservatives.

Choose Healthy Toppings

The most popular way of enjoying bread is by preparing sandwiches or toasts that are often made with unhealthy ingredients. Reduce your calorie intake by making healthier dishes, topped with veggies and healthy spreads like hummus, mashed avocado and more.

Limit Portions

There’s no need to completely cut bread from your diet in order to maintain a healthy weight. It may be enough to limit your portions and avoid eating it late at night.