How To Find New Recipes on Instagram

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Photo by Le Buzz Studio on Unsplash

If you’re looking for something new to cook, Instagram might just be the perfect place to explore. Although this is primarily a visual social platform, there are many food bloggers and even regular people sharing their best recipes online. 

But how do you find these delicious recipes?

Use Hashtags

One of the easiest ways to search is using relevant hashtags. For example, enter #chickensoup in your search bar and all the posts that include this hashtag will appear on your screen. 

Cooking Accounts

While searching with hashtags, you’ll likely come across food bloggers and influencers who post recipe content regularly. If you follow their accounts, you’ll start seeing them in your feed for daily inspiration. You can also search for specific cooking magazines you like and follow their accounts for ideas and inspiration.

Engage with the Content You Like

Finally, as you start engaging with the food content – liking it, leaving comments, or saving posts – you’ll start to see more and more similar content appear on your explore page. Use the algorithm to your advantage. 

Bonus tip

Many accounts post Reels, short videos, of the cooking process. If you’re looking for step-by-step instructions on how to prepare something, make sure to check out this section.