How to Make Wooden Kitchen Tools Last Longer

Wooden tools
Photo by Thanh Soledas on Unsplash

Our beautifully crafted wooden spoons, cutting boards, and spatulas deserve some TLC to keep them in tip-top shape. So, let’s dive into the world of wood care and ensure your kitchen companions remain loyal for years to come!

Washing and Drying

  • Gentle Hand Wash: Avoid the temptation of tossing your wooden tools into the dishwasher. Instead, opt for a gentle hand wash with mild soap and warm water. Scrub them gently with a soft sponge or cloth to remove any food residue.
  • Prompt Drying: After washing, ensure your wooden tools are completely dry before storing them. Leaving them in a damp state can lead to warping or even mold growth.


  • Oil Treatment: Every few months, give your wooden tools a spa day by applying a food-safe mineral oil or a specialized wood conditioner. This nourishes the wood, keeping it from drying out or cracking.
  • Even Coating: Apply a thin, even layer of the oil or conditioner with a clean cloth, and let it absorb for a few hours or overnight. Wipe off any excess to avoid a greasy finish.

Avoid Extreme Conditions

  • Temperature Sensitivity: Wooden tools don’t thrive in extreme temperatures. Avoid exposing them to prolonged heat (like near the stove) or extreme cold (like in the freezer).
  • Sun Shield: Keep your wooden tools out of direct sunlight, as UV rays can cause the wood to fade and age prematurely.

Handle With Care

  • Avoid Hard Impacts: Wooden tools may chip or crack if dropped or subjected to hard impacts. Handle them with care to maintain their integrity.
  • Proper Storage: Store your wooden tools in a dry, well-ventilated area. Avoid overcrowding them in a drawer, as this can lead to moisture buildup.