How to Prepare Healthy Ramen Noodles

Photo by Michele Blackwell on Unsplash

When people normally think of ramen noodles as they’re presented in contemporary society, it’s rarely associated with something healthy. That’s because most times you see ramen in Western society is when they’re sold in the classic instant soups that you can buy in various supermarkets or convenience stores. These instant ramen noodle soups, while tasty, have been known to possess various unhealthy additives. However, there’s a way you can make healthier ramen, and here’s how to do it.

Start Basic

The first thing you need to do is find ramen without any added powder. You can find this in most supermarkets. Once you’ve got that, bring it home and place it on the side for the time being.

Making the Soup

Now it’s just time to prepare a soup that you’ll later put the noodles in. Essentially you can cook any healthy soup you want, but chances are you don’t want to spend so much time cooking this—so here’s a quick healthy veggie soup you can make:

We’d recommend sauteing some onions and garlic, before adding water and an assortment of vegetables. Then, proceed to add about a fourth of a cup of soy sauce to give it that hint of Asian flavor. Add salt, pepper, garlic, and whichever other seasonings you want to taste. When the soup tastes how you want it to and it’s boiling, add the ramen noodles. They’ll generally take about five minutes or so to cook, and then you’re basically done!