Is Honey Really a Healthy Superfood?

Honey facts
Photo by Arwin Neil Baichoo on Unsplash

Honey is often considered to be a superfood that you can eat as much as you want, but is that really true? While honey has some amazing health and nutritional benefits, it’s also a source of sugar and can be bad for people who shouldn’t consume too much of it. Like most things in the world, honey is best when consumed in moderation. Here’s what you need to know about it.

Can honey be considered a superfood? Dating back to Ancient Egypt, honey can be a great addition to a versatile diet. On its own, it’s probably not as healthy. A tablespoon of honey, which has 21 grams, contains 17 grams of sugar and none of the fat and protein. It’s a great source of minerals like calcium, copper, iron, and zinc, and also B vitamins.

Honey has several health benefits. It can soothe a cough as effectively as some medications, it can help to treat irritable bowel syndrome, and is known for promoting reproductive health. It’s not a common allergen, but some people are allergic to it.

Eating a teaspoon in the morning can give you the energy to start the day, but don’t eat too much of it if you’re watching your sugar and carb intake!