Keep These Ingredients On Hand For Desserts in No Time

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

No one wants to be in a situation where you need to make a dessert on the spot. But, if and when that time comes, it’s always better to have some important ingredients on hand rather than having to run to the store at the last minute. You will be amazed at how many different recipes you’ll be able to create if you keep these ingredients in your pantry.

Vanilla Extract

So many different desserts call for vanilla extract. Whether it’s cookies, cakes, or crème brûlée, vanilla extract is essential for baking. Adding a splash will round out whatever you were making, so make sure you have it at all times!  


When baking cookies, you’ll most likely need to cream together butter and sugar for the wet ingredients. For brownies, you’ll need it melted. But whatever you make, butter is almost impossible to replace, especially for last minute baking. Luckily, butter can be stored for a long time in the freezer, making it easy to always have around. Take the butter out a few hours before you need it if you need it for creaming, or simply go straight to the microwave or stove for melting.