Kitchen Tools That Can Be Easy to Forget When You Move Homes

Photo by Becca Tapert on Unsplash

There are certain kitchen utensils that are shockingly easy to forget when you move from one home to another. Once you’ve moved, you suddenly realize that you can’t prepare the meals you want because you don’t have the necessary equipment. So in order to avoid such a catastrophe, here are five kitchen utensils that you should remember to take when you move.


Many of us use colanders all the time. They make cooking pasta and noodles so much easier and come in really handy for boiled vegetables too. Don’t forget it!


The spatula is another item that makes serving food so much more efficient, and yet you might just overlook it when moving out.


Without a grater, you can’t prepare grated cheese, vegetables, tofu, or zesty citrus shavings. If you forget this one, you’ll have to just use a great big clumsy knife instead.

Wooden Spoon

Wooden spoons come in handy when frying different things. If you don’t have a wooden spoon (or a rubber alternative), it can be hard to cook with pans because the metal cutlery gets far too hot. Make sure to remember this one too!

Mixing Bowl

Mixing bowls are essential if you want to bake or make big salads. If you don’t have a mixing bowl of sufficient size, you won’t be able to make what you want if you forget something like this. Need we say more?