Liven Up Your Meals With These Lemon Recipes

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Lemons are a wonderful fruit for so many reasons. They’re high in vitamin C, inexpensive, and enhance so many different types of dishes. With both savory and sweet applications, make sure to grab a few at the grocery store and try one of these recipes!

Lemon Curd

Lemon curd is a great gift to give someone and goes wonderfully on bread, scones, and pretty much anything you like! Combine egg yolks, sugar, and lemon juice over medium-low heat, stirring continuously. Continue until the mixture has thickened and you’re done!

Lemon Sorbet

When the weather starts getting hot, all you want is to cool off with something frozen and delicious. In comes lemon sorbet! This recipes only requires a food processor – no ice cream machine needed. All you need to do is make a simple syrup, add it to your food processor with ice and lemon juice, blend, and you’ve got sorbet in a snap.

Lemon Pasta

Lemon juice is simple enough, yet can completely change a dish, especially something like pasta. Simply toss whatever type of pasta you like together with a handful of arugula, lemon juice, and a bit of parmesan if you have it, and you’re set for a healthful and fulfilling meal.