Mei Yee’s Picture-Perfect Desserts Will Make You Fall in Love with Matcha

Mei Yee is Instagram’s queen of picture-perfect, vegan desserts. Her sweet treats come in all the colors of the rainbow, and if green happens to be your personal favorite, these five will take your breath away.

Matcha Baked Donuts

Looking for a way to take your donuts to a whole new level? Just follow Mei Yee’s amazing recipe and add matcha powder to your batter to paint it green.

Matcha Crêpe Cake

If someone in your life happens to be a huge fan of the color green, this matcha cake topped with whipped cream and raspberries is the best possible pick for their birthday.

Whipped Cream and Raspberries Chocolate Bars

One of Mei Yee’s simplest matcha recipes comes in the form of green-colored chocolate bars topped with dried strawberry slices – you just need the right mold to make them.

Matcha Madeleines

Mei Yee is a true master when it comes to making madeleines, and these ones are extra-delicious thanks to the coconut matcha fudge sauce that they’re filled with.

Matcha Mousse Cake

Mousse cakes are also a mainstay on Mei Yee’s Instagram page, and matcha powder happens to be the crucial ingredient in this one.