Natasha’s Kitchen Will Help You Prepare Delicious Salads This Summer

Natasha’s Kitchen is one of the leading food blogs that you’ve probably stumbled upon if you like searching for new recipes. The founder Natasha Kravchuk has a knack for creating delicious and colorful recipes that will inspire you to experiment in the kitchen and start preparing healthy meals. Here are some of her best salad recipes that you need to recreate this summer.

Chickpea Salad

This salad is the perfect blend of crispy and creamy ingredient such as avocados, chickpeas and cucumbers. Chickpeas are a great addition to salads because they’re packed with protein, which means that you can eat this salad as a main dish.

Beet Salad

Beets are probably the most underrated vegetable, despite the fact that they have impressive health benefits. This fancy beet salad with arugula, feta cheese and pecans is a refreshing dish that will make you fall in love with beets.

Easy Taco Salad

If you want to enjoy flavorful taco filling without eating taco shells, try making this healthy, low-carb taco salad with ground beef and fresh veggies.

Chicken Salad

Chicken salad is a classic, but Kravchuk’s fancy take on this salad looks amazing and is probably just as delicious. This chicken salad is made with pecans and grapes and can even be served as a main dish.