Quick Pickling: Turn Anything Into a Tangy Delight in Minutes

Image by Alina Kuptsova from Pixabay

Have you ever found yourself with a surplus of fresh veggies or fruits and wondered how to use them before they go to waste? Enter quick pickling, a magical culinary technique that transforms ordinary ingredients into tangy, zesty delights. We’ll dive into the world of quick pickling and unveil the secrets to turning almost anything into a delectable, briny treat.


For the Basic Pickling Brine:

  • 1 cup of water
  • 1 cup of white vinegar (or apple cider vinegar for a slightly sweeter note)
  • 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons of salt
  • 1 teaspoon of whole black peppercorns

For the Pickling Ingredients:

  • Your choice of vegetables or fruits (cucumbers, radishes, red onions, strawberries, and more)
  • Aromatics like garlic cloves, fresh dill, or ginger (optional)
  • Spices like mustard seeds, coriander seeds, or red pepper flakes (optional)


  1. Start by washing your chosen vegetables or fruits thoroughly. Slice them into your desired shape, whether it’s rounds, spears, or even fun shapes with cookie cutters.
  2. If you’re feeling adventurous, add aromatics like garlic cloves, fresh dill sprigs, or ginger slices to your jar for an extra layer of flavor.
  3. Customize your quick pickles further by including spices like mustard seeds, coriander seeds, or red pepper flakes for a hint of heat.
  4. Select a clean, airtight glass jar that’s the right size for your ingredients. It should have a sealable lid to keep the brine in and the air out.
  5. Arrange your sliced vegetables or fruits, aromatics, and spices in the jar. Pack them in tightly, but leave some room at the top to accommodate the brine.
  6. In a saucepan, combine the water, vinegar, granulated sugar, salt, and whole black peppercorns. Bring the mixture to a boil, stirring until the sugar and salt are fully dissolved.
  7. Carefully pour the hot brine over the ingredients in your jar. Ensure that everything is fully submerged. You want the brine to surround and infuse your ingredients with flavor.
  8. Seal the jar with its lid while the brine is still hot. This helps create a vacuum seal as it cools, ensuring your quick pickles stay fresh.
  9. Allow your quick pickles to cool to room temperature on the countertop. Once cooled, transfer the jar to the fridge.
  10. Refrigerate your quick pickles for at least a few hours, but overnight is ideal. The longer they soak, the more flavorful they become.
  11. Once your quick pickles have marinated to your liking, take a bite and savor the tangy, zesty explosion of flavor. Enjoy them as a side, on sandwiches, in salads, or as a topping for tacos.
  12. Don’t hesitate to experiment with different combinations of ingredients and flavors. Quick pickling is all about your personal taste preferences.
  13. Store your quick pickles in the fridge, where they’ll stay crisp and delicious for several weeks. Just be sure to use clean utensils to avoid introducing contaminants.