Raw or Cooked Vegetables: Which is Best?

Photo by Christina Rumpf on Unsplash

There are endless vegetables out there. The preparation of each one to make them ready for eating is different, for example, whether they need cooking or not. For many veggies, however, they can be eaten cooked or raw. There’s plenty of debate around this, but here is a brief overview of some common veggies that can be enjoyed either way.


Carrots are enjoyed both raw and cooked. They work great cut into batons to scoop up dips with or can be boiled, steamed, or roasted. There is some evidence to suggest that cooking them allows some of their nutrients to be more digestible, but if you enjoy them raw then don’t worry—they’re still super healthy.


Certain cabbages are commonly used in salads and slaws raw, but many people would opt to cook this veg instead. Both forms are very healthy, but just be aware that too much raw cruciferous veg can cause bloating and gas. 


Another one that’s popular in salads when raw, this veg is also great roasted. Both methods will give you a super healthy portion of veg, and many people love the simplicity of cutting up raw beetroot to add to salads.