Sweet Fruits to Use Instead of Sugar

Fruits replacing sugar
Photo by Mona Mok on Unsplash

Eating more fruit is a great way to improve your diet, but you can also use fruit to replace unhealthy ingredients in your diet, such as sugar. Read on to find out what are some of the best and sweetest fruits that you can easily use as an alternative to sugar.


Dates are by far one of the sweetest fruits you’ll find out there, which makes them a perfect alternative to sugar. Using dates as a garnish for pasta, pancakes, and salads is a great way to make these dishes more flavorful, or you can simply mix them into smoothies instead of sugar.


The best way to use up all those apples in the kitchen is to make tasty homemade applesauce that can be used as a healthy replacement for sugar.


Use a blender or a food processor to make a rich and sweet puree that you can later add to pancakes, muffins, smoothies or Greek yogurt to make them more flavorful.


Bananas are another sweet fruit that you can puree and add to various baked foods such as pancakes, bread, and muffins. This will help you reduce the amount of sugar in these recipes and make your baked goods super fluffy.