Take Your Stuffed Mushrooms to the Next Level in 3 Short Steps

Stuffed mushrooms
Photo by Sébastien Marchand on Unsplash

Mushrooms are one of the staples of the vegan diet, and they offer more versatility than pretty much any plant-based meat alternative. If stuffed mushrooms happen to be your favorite way to prepare them, but you feel like your go-to recipe misses something to be perfect, these tips will help you perfect it.

Perfect Pick

The mushroom variety you’re using can make or break your stuffed mushrooms. You can’t just wing it when it comes to this dish because your mushrooms have to be big enough for the stuffing. Cremini and white button mushrooms are always a good idea due to their large size and cupped shape.

Extra Liquids

It’s very common for mushrooms to release water while baking, but there are ways to solve this problem. Before stuffing your mushrooms and placing them inside your oven, consider roasting them first to give the extra liquids a chance to evaporate.

Using Your Stems

If you’re one of those people who tend to throw their mushroom stems away, it’s time to stop and put them to some good use. They can be super-delicious, so you should chop them up nicely and use them as one of the ingredients in this dish, instead of creating unnecessary food waste.