Tasty Ways to Add Crunch to a Casserole

Casserole tips
Photo by Jonathan Pielmayer on Unsplash

A creamy and delicious casserole is probably one of the best dinner recipes because it’s quick and easy to prepare. Choosing the perfect topping for a casserole is the best way to take this dish to a whole new level. Check out a few great toppings that will add crunch to your casseroles.


Topping your favorite casserole with cereal probably sounds like a weird and bad idea, but it’s not! The cereal will add a touch of sweetness to this dish and it’ll definitely make it super crunchy and enjoyable.


Sprinkle breadcrumbs on top of your casserole only when it’s done cooking, and put it back in the oven and cook until the breadcrumbs are golden brown. To add more flavor and take this dish to another level you can always mix breadcrumbs with some olive oil and garlic.


Nuts are always the best and most delicious choice when it comes to making dishes crunchy. Sprinkling some chopped walnuts, almonds, or cashews on top of your casserole will add a nice nutty flavor and crunchy texture to this dish.


Much like breadcrumbs, delicious buttery crackers like Ritz Crackers will also take your casseroles to a whole new level and make them crunchy.