The Most Optimal Way to Use Cocoa Powder

Photo by Delphine Hourlay from Pexels

If you want to make brownies or a chocolate cake, you’ll need some cocoa powder. It’s the ingredient that gives these desserts that delicious chocolaty flavor, but you need to know how to buy the right one and how to use it for the best effect.

A Powerful Substance

Cocoa powder is simple and inexpensive, but it has the power to transform a recipe completely. It’s also easy to use, because you can mix it together with the rest of the dry ingredients that your recipe requires, or you can even add it in the end if you forget earlier. It’s easy to whisk it into a batter or sprinkle on top of the finished food.

Where It Comes From

Cocoa powder is made from dried cocoa bits. After the cocoa butter is extracted, the rest gets turned into powder. A little goes a long way which is why cocoa powder often comes in small boxes. You’ll rarely need more than a spoonful or two for a recipe.

How To Store It

The best way to store it is in an airtight container in your pantry. There’s no need to keep it in the fridge because that can actually make it spoil faster due to humidity. When stored properly, cocoa powder can last for up to two years.