The Best Paleo Coconut Flan Recipe

Image via cecisflans/Insatagram

How about having a Flan for dessert, but in a Paleo version?

A Flan is a custard dessert with a caramel sauce that usually contains sugar, two types of milk, eggs, and flour. By adding a touch of coconut, this dessert becomes simply amazing, In addition, the flan is totally paleo, since we don’t use flour.

Don’t wait too long and start making this Flan.

Serves 6-8 slices.

For the Caramel:
* 4 tablespoons water
* 1 cup coconut sugar
For the Flan:
* 1 tablespoon arrowroot starch
* 4 eggs
* 1½ cups evaporated coconut milk
* 1¾ cups condensed coconut milk
* 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees.
2. In a saucepan on medium heat, melt the sugar and water. Stir often to create a thick consistency like caramel.
3. Pour the caramel into a 9-inch glass pie pan and allow to cool so that it doesn’t run.
4. In a medium-sized bowl, whisk the eggs and arrowroot starch.
5. Add the evaporated and condensed milk and vanilla.
6. Slowly pour milk mixture into the pie pan on top of the caramel.
7. Put the pie pan in a baking dish and place in the oven.
8. Take some boiling water and fill the baking dish as a water bath.
9. Bake for 45–50 minutes.
10. Let cool and then place in the fridge for 4–6 hours or overnight.

To serve, place a large plate face down on top of the pie pan and carefully flip the flan onto the plate. If you have some leftovers, which mostly won’t happen, you can always store it in the fridge for 2-3 days.