The Picky Eater’s Guide to Tricking Yourself Into Eating Vegetables

Photo by Dipesh Gurav on Unsplash

You hear a lot of talk from parents about how to get their kids to eat their veggies. They employ all sorts of tricks and beg to make it happen. But what if you’re the picky eater? Is there a way to trick yourself into getting those nutritious, all-important vegetables in? We think so. Here are our suggestions.

Hide Them

When you hear the word “vegetables” you may imagine them as a side dish, all plain and gross, but the nutrients still count if you eat vegetables in a way that you don’t even notice them. Between blending them into a smoothie or soup, finely chopping them into a sauce or omelette, or sneaking them into a flavor bomb dish like curry, it’s not that hard to find a way to eat vegetables without ever really tasting them.

Cook and Season the Heck Out of Them

A lot of people think they don’t like vegetables when really they don’t know how to prepare them, having grown up eating them plain and barely cooked. Well, you wouldn’t like chicken or potatoes prepared that way either, would you? So don’t be afraid to fry, roast, and sautee your veggies and hit them with plenty of sauce and seasonings.