The Top 5 Sources of Plant-Based Protein

Photo by Adrienne Leonard on Unsplash

If you’re thinking of becoming vegan or pursuing a more plant-based diet, you might be worried about not getting enough protein. The truth is, there are plenty of plant-based protein sources, and you don’t need to rely on meat and dairy products. Here are five of the top plant-based protein sources you can start incorporating into your diet today.


Lentils are packed full of protein, as well as fiber and essential minerals. You can eat them in salads, curries and stews.


Tofu is one of the richest and most versatile plant-based protein products, and it’s full of protein, iron, and calcium. Fry it with cornflour and a blend of herbs and spices before serving in curries, salads, stir-fries, and noodle dishes.


Nuts such as peanuts, almonds, and hazelnuts are a great source of protein. You can sprinkle them on curries, stir-fries, fruit salads, and natural yogurt, or eat them as a quick snack.


One of the most versatile plant-based products, you can cook chickpeas into curries and stews, or blend them to make delicious hummus.


This super-grain is packed full of protein, iron, magnesium, fiber, and manganese. Sprinkle it on salads and sandwiches, or use it as substitutes for pasta or rice.