These Three Tips Will Give a Big Boost to Your Tomato Sauces

Tomato sauce
Photo by Anshu A on Unsplash

Tomato sauce is one of the building blocks for many a delicious dish. There are many ways to make a tomato sauce and they have different merits. Here are three tips that you can implement to give your tomato sauces a big boost.

Grate your fresh tomatoes

If you are using fresh tomatoes, lots of recipes call for you to chop up your tomatoes and chuck them in the pan. One way to get more out of your fresh tomatoes is to grate them so you get a concentrated pulp of your tomatoes. This will improve the texture of your tomato sauce, but the biggest benefit will be in the flavor. It’s a bit more effort than chopping your tomatoes, but the difference in quality is huge and definitely worth a try.

Add garlic at the end

If you are adding garlic to your tomato sauce, it can be tempting to add your garlic before even adding your tomatoes to infuse the pan with a garlic flavor. However, this runs the risk of overcooking your garlic and increasing the sauce’s bitterness. Instead, add your garlic around 5 minutes before your sauce is cooked. One way to do this is to add your garlic as a whole clove and then blend at the last minute. This will infuse your sauce with garlic and also pack a punch as the inside of garlic will be mostly raw.

Cook low and slow

One of the best tips for tomato sauces is to not rush them. The longer they take to cook, the more glutamates and ultimately rich flavor they will release. This is how Italian pasta sauces get their deep and hearty flavor, and if you have the time, you should try it!