This Air-Fried Grilled Cheese Takes Just 15 Minutes to Make

Grilled cheese
Photo by Pixzolo Photography on Unsplash

Are you looking for a quick and easy lunch that will also satisfy your palate in the middle of a busy day? Well, with your air fryer, there’s one classic dish that will be sure to hit the mark. Here’s how you can make a grilled cheese sandwich in your air fryer in just 15 minutes.


  • 4 slices of sourdough bread
  • 2 slices of cheddar cheese
  • 2 slices of Havarti cheese
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • toppings of your choice, such as bacon, jalapeños, or caramelized onions


  1. Place the four slices of bread on a chopping board and spread the butter evenly across the slices.
  2. Put two of the slices into the air fryer with the buttered side face down. Place a piece of cheddar and a piece of Havarti on top of each slice. Top both sandwiches with the remaining slices of bread with the buttered side facing up.
  3. Close the air fryer lid and cook for 7 minutes. Then, flip the sandwiches on the other side and cook for another three minutes, until they are toasted golden.