This is the Best Way to Eat a Cupcake

Look, generally speaking, there’s no reason to say that you should eat a particular food one way or another. Whatever floats your boat is totally fine. However… if you’re not yet eating your cupcakes like this, it seriously behooves you to reconsider your approach.

If you’re the type to just bite straight into the side of your cupcake, what are you doing? You’re probably getting super messy. Nobody has time to wash frosting off their nose.

If you go top down, eating all the frosting first and then the cake… well, you may be avoiding a mess, but you’re also missing out on the whole point of the experience: getting equal parts delicious frosting and cake in the same bite.

So what’s a dessert lover to do? It’s simple. Peel the wrapper off the cupcake. Toss it. Use your fingers to break off the bottom half of the cupcake. Don’t worry, it’s not hard at all. Then put that cake half on top of the cupcake, sandwiching the frosting in the middle. Now you can go in for a bite without getting messy, but you’ll still get both frosting and cake in every bite.

Try it. It’ll change your life.