This Quick TikTok Hack is a Main Course and a Dessert in One

OK, laziness just reached a new low. Or high, depends on how you choose to look at it (who was it that said that perspective is everything?). If you’re into efficiency and carbs, which are arguably two of the best pleasures of life, this speedy, carb-rich, and most of all, delicious TikTok hack is just what you were looking for.

Tommy Winkler, also known as The Food Guy, recently uploaded a quick video of himself implementing the following stroke of genius: An egg toast and a DIY chocolate uncrushable in one.

@tommywinkler This meal was bussin bussin #foodhacks #thefoodguy #breakfast #kingofcrunch #fyp ♬ 3:15 (Slowed Down + Reverb) – Russ

So, how do you make it? It’s pretty simple:

  1. Take two slices of bread, place a chocolate cube at the center, put them together, and use a cup to create a perfect circle-shaped hole in the middle of what will soon become a pair of yummy egg toasts.
  2. Let the cocoa uncrustable hang in the toaster while throwing the two holed slices of bread into an oiled pan.
  3. Crack two eggs and let the contents spill right into the bread holes, frying them to perfection.
  4. Feast on your egg toasts, then finish with your chocolatey dessert, that has already finished warming up in the toaster while you were busy with the eggs.

Bon Appetite!