Vegan Fast Food is Experiencing a Boom, But You Should Think Twice Before Trying It

Burger King
Photo by Ismail Hadine on Unsplash

Plant-based food experienced a huge boom in recent years and it was just a matter of time before major fast-food brands jumped on this bandwagon. Even though you’re sending a good message to these brands by eating these foods at their restaurants, here are a few things worth keeping in mind about fast food vegan offerings.

Not That Healthy

If you’re on the hunt for healthy plant-based meals, fast food chains may not be the best choice. Just like the rest of the food sold here, their vegan offerings will most likely be packed with unhealthy fats and sodium.


One of the biggest issues with eating vegan foods at fast food chains is the possibility of cross-contamination. Vegan and non-vegan ingredients are most likely handled in the same kitchen and it’s highly likely they’ll come into contact with each other.

Animal Cruelty

If you decided to go vegan for animals, keep in mind that fast food brands are one of the biggest contributors to animal cruelty and exploitation around the world—even the ones with a few vegan options on their menu.

Sacrificing Freshness

You’ll also be sacrificing freshness when eating at fast food joints since they mostly rely on pre-prepped ingredients. Authentic vegan eateries are a much better option if you want your food to be fresh, healthy, and delicious.