Veggies You Can Add to Desserts

Veggies for desserts
Photo by Isabella Green on Unsplash

In case you’re looking for ways to bake healthier desserts for your family, adding veggies to these recipes is an easy way to do this. Read on to find out what are some of the best veggies you can use for making delicious and healthy desserts.

Sweet Potato

It’s no secret that sweet potatoes make for an excellent addition to many desserts, from pies and brownies to creamy cheesecakes and puddings. Sweet potatoes desserts are more delicious than you think and are packed with vitamins and minerals.


Beets are often overlooked despite their amazing health benefits, so if you don’t like the taste of this veggie you can sneak it into your diet by adding it to desserts. Beets are very versatile and you can use them for making ice cream, cheesecakes, puddings, or simply add them to chocolate brownies or cakes.


Even if you don’t like zucchini, adding this healthy veggie to your muffins, brownies, or cupcakes will definitely make you fall in love with it.


It’s a well-known fact that carrot pies, muffins, cheesecakes, and other desserts are both juicy and delicious, so don’t miss out on making these healthy desserts.