Ways to Use Chia Seeds

Chia seeds can do more than just make a fun little chia pet for your apartment. They’re also super good for you, with fiber, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids that can make you feel satiated and give you energy to start your day. They’ve also got calcium and magnesium, and all nine essential amino acids, so including them in your diet is a great idea. Here are a few ideas for how you can do so.

Chia Pudding

One of the most popular chia seed recipes, chia pudding is also super easy to make. Just mix chia seeds, milk, and sweetener. In liquid, the seeds will expand and get gelatinous, giving the pudding a thick, creamy texture.

As a Salad Topping or in Salad Dressing

Why not make an already healthy meal even healthier by including chia seeds in your salad? Sprinkle them on top or mix it into your dressing for a double nutritional punch.

Baked into Baked Goods

You can bake chia seeds into practically anything you bake: cake, bread, muffins, cookies, and so on. That way, you don’t have to feel so guilty when you eat your baked goods.

As an Egg Substitute

If you’re a vegan, chia seeds make a great egg substitute for recipes. Just soak one tablespoon of chia seeds in three tablespoons of water.

In Kombucha

If you’re a health nut, you probably already know about or drink kombucha. Well, the fermented drink pairs perfectly with chia seeds.