What’s the Best Way to Defrost Meat, Chicken, and Fish?

Photo by Jez Timms on Unsplash

We’ve all been there—we’re ready to eat dinner, but we remembered we forgot to take the meat out of the freezer. Is there a way to still prepare this food in time for dinner? Whatever you do, don’t let the meat thaw out on the counter for a few hours, because it allows bacteria to grow. Here’s how to safely defrost meat.

In the Fridge

Although it’s not always the fastest way, it’s the safest way to defrost frozen foods. Make sure you keep the meat in its packaging and place it in a bowl or on a plate before you put it in the fridge. Generally, for fish fillets or boneless chicken breasts, if you put it in the fridge in the morning, it will be ready by dinner time.

Ice Water

The fastest way to thaw is by placing your meat in ice water. Just place the meat in a reusable plastic bag and squeeze out as much air as possible and seal it. Put it in a large bowl and cover it with cold water and a handful of ice. Make sure you change the water every 30 minutes and add more ice if it melts.

Don’t Thaw It

Did you know that you can still cook meat when it’s frozen? All you have to do is cook it for a little longer to make sure the meat reaches its temperature. Cooking frozen meat works better for smaller pieces that don’t have bones.