Add These Spring Veggies to Your Shopping List!

Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay

Can you believe that spring is almost here already? Temperatures are starting to warm up and the snow is beginning to melt, which means the second season of the year is just around the corner.

If you are a vegetable lover, you’re in luck, because lots of tasty veggies come into their season during the spring. Here are three to keep in mind on your next trip to the farmer’s market!


Turnips come into season during the spring, and they are a great option both for the vegetable and for the leaves themselves. Turnip greens can be stewed into a delicious side dish, while turnips themselves are delicious when roasted.


Love artichokes? Be sure to keep an eye out for them during the spring season. Packed with fiber, Vitamins C and K, and folate, these vegetables can be a bit difficult to prepare, but are totally worth it when you taste them in a delicious dip or roasted.


This stunning purple root vegetable is yet another option for spring trips to the produce aisle. Pickled beets can be enjoyed year-round, but why not try a recipe such as roasted beets or even add them raw to a salad during the springtime?