Why Dark Chocolate is Really Good for You

Studies have shown that moderate consumption of dark chocolate can be excellent for your health. Dark chocolate, of good quality and of excellent origin can be a good alternative to a snack, of course, provided it is not high in white sugar or other substances, which are not good for your health. It turns out that when you eat a moderate amount of dark chocolate, not only is it not harmful to your health, it is also beneficial.

Dark chocolate contains higher concentrations of antioxidants than an apple, black tea, or red wine. Antioxidants from natural sources such as cocoa, neutralize the damage to cells and decreases the risk of developing certain chronic diseases.

Chocolate also contributes to a good overall feeling. Studies have found that when we eat chocolate, our body releases chemicals, similar to those we feel when we are in love. Bitter chocolate also stimulates the release of endorphins which also contribute to a good overall feeling.

Remember that dark chocolate should be high quality, free of glucose syrup or other artificial sweeteners, of course without the addition of artificial colors and flavors.