Why Sourdough Bread Is Incredibly Healthy

Photo by Tommaso Urli on Unsplash

If you’ve paid any attention at all to the bread scene in the last ten years, you’ve perhaps noticed a rising trend: sourdough bread. This is one of the most popular kinds of bread to eat in this day and age, due to its wonderful unique taste and powerful health benefits. But what is it about sourdough bread that makes it so healthy?

Natural Yeast

In order to explain what makes sourdough bread healthier than “normal bread”, we need to discuss a bit more about how it’s made. All bread is made with yeast, but for the last century, most bread has been made with yeast that’s artificial. This has allowed bread companies to mass-produce bread in a quick and efficient manner, but unfortunately, it’s come with an unhealthy price.

Sourdough bread is made with natural yeast cultures, which is how bread was always made before artificial yeast was introduced in recent centuries. It’s actually labeled as wild yeast, because of the way it grows organically over time.

A Healthier Alternative

From a health perspective, this kind of yeast is much easier on your digestive system. Due to its complex fermentation process, it breaks down gluten and carbohydrates much more effectively, which is great for gut health. It also makes the nutrients within the bread a lot more accessible.

If that’s not enough, this unique fermentation process offers a potentially lower glycemic index compared to most bread you’ll find in the supermarket, which is great for lowering the risk of blood sugar spikes.