You Must Try These Citruses From Around the World

Photo by Linh Pham on Unsplash

There are many different types of citrus fruit שround the world. While some are sweet, some are very sour and can be utilized in many different applications. Whether you’re looking for something to shake up your dinner or just a new snack to try, these citruses are much more interesting than your normal citruses.  

Blood Oranges

These oranges have a flavor profile that is a cross between a grapefruit and an orange. The name comes from the color of the flesh, which is typically a dark red to purple. You can often find this in spring when it’s sweetest.

Meyer Lemon

A Meyer lemon is a fruit native to China and is a hybrid between a regular lemon and a mandarin. It is sweeter than a normal lemon and smaller. The skin is smoother and thinner than a normal lemon and if often found in winter.


Yuzu is a citrus found in Japanese, Chinese, and Korean cuisine. It is a sour citrus, with its flavor comparable to a lime and a grapefruit. In cooking, it is recommended to use the rind and the juice.  Yuzu is also great for making cocktails! Combine it with gin, vanilla, and bitters for an interesting cocktail.