3 Delicious Snacks That Are Also Healthy

Photo by Зорина Зуб/Pexels

One of the hardest things is figuring out a way to resist those cravings between meals. Those moments when you’re yearning for something sweet, and you find yourself tempted to raid the pantry—yup, we’ve all been there. If you can relate, don’t worry, because we’ve got you covered with three delicious and satisfying snacks that will keep you on track.

Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate is one of the best options available, because it offers both sweetness and health benefits. While it might have a hint of bitterness, it’s still sweeter than most things you have in your fridge. Plus, dark chocolate can actually improve your mental health, making it a guilt-free indulgence.


Another great snack comes in the form of fruit. Not only is it super practical to carry around if you’re on the go, but they’re also super healthy, and filled with delicious flavor to boot.

Beef Jerky

Finally, if you’re a meat lover, beef jerky is the perfect snack to eat if you need some protein. Eating some dried meat as a side snack can be so satisfying and filling, and you’ll find yourself wondering why you don’t do it all the time.