3 Ways to Prepare Coffee at Home

Photo by Devin Avery on Unsplash

We all love a great cup of coffee every once in a while, but you don’t always have to go out to a coffee shop to find it. Here are three ways you can prepare satisfying coffee from the comfort of your own home.

Instant Coffee

People often assume that instant coffee is a cheap and inferior alternative to freshly ground coffee. While it’s certainly cheaper, it doesn’t have to be lacking in quality. If you find the right instant coffee for your tastes, use two heaping teaspoons of it with some added creamy milk, and it can really be quite delicious. The trick is to make sure you use enough for each cup. We don’t need to be afraid of all instant coffee!

Barista Machine

Alternatively, if you really want that classic coffee-shop taste, you can invest in your own barista machine. You can set up the machine to make cappuccinos, lattes, espressos, and many more options!

French Press

This is one of the best home-brewing methods for coffee drinkers who like complex flavors. It brews the freshly ground coffee beans in around four minutes and retains much of the coffee’s essential oils and antioxidants. This is perhaps the best brewing technique for those who want more control over the final product. Unlike barista machines, you can tinker with the brew to make it just the way you like.