4 Smart Ways to Satisfy Chocolate Cravings

Photo by Charisse Kenion on Unsplash

Even though we all love that rich, sweet taste of chocolate, eating too much of this wonderful treat is definitely not good. Chocolate is packed with sugar and calories, so here are a few smart ways to satisfy your craving next time you think about reaching for your favorite chocolate bar.

Nut Butters

Almond, cashew, peanut, or hazelnut butter are all very flavorful, packed with protein and fiber, which means they are a perfect treat that can easily replace chocolate.


Eating your favorite fresh fruit such as strawberries, bananas or oranges is definitely the healthiest choice you can make when sugar cravings strike. But even though they’re healthy, some fruits are also high in sugar, and eating too much of it can cause bloating.


There’s no better way to satisfy chocolate cravings than by adding cocoa powder to your favorite beverages and snacks. Cocoa powder is super healthy and versatile, and it can easily be added to smoothies, coffee, tea, cereal, salads, yogurt, and more.


Healthy, high-protein yogurt topped with berries or chopped nuts is also a nutritious snack that you can eat when craving chocolate because it’s healthy and will keep you full for a while.