5 Basic Tips for Beginner Chefs

Photo by Edson SaldaƱa on Unsplash

If you’re just starting out in the kitchen, cooking can often be a baffling experience. There are so many different things to think about that it can certainly get overwhelming. Fortunately, you can start learning quickly and easily with a few simple steps. Here are five basic tips to help you on your culinary adventure.

Leave Steak to Rest

This is a simple trick that will vastly improve your steak-cooking abilities. Once you have finished cooking a steak, always leave it to rest for a few minutes before cutting into it. This helps the steak retain its juices and keeps it infused with flavor.

Add Salt to Pasta Water

As the water begins to boil, add a pinch of salt to it (about 1/4 teaspoon). This gives the pasta some extra taste and makes it more professional.

Don’t Overcrowd the Pan

An overcrowded pan means that your food won’t cook properly. Always make sure that there’s enough space to move everything around comfortably.

Cut the Core of a Pepper Out First

Cut into a bell pepper from the top and pull its core out, which will help you easily get out all of the seeds with minimum fuss.

Chop Herbs with Salt

Chopping herbs can be difficult since they have an annoying habit of flying all over the place. You can fix this by laying some salt on the chopping board, which keeps the herbs stuck to the board for your convenience.