5 Fruits You Didn’t Know You Could Grill

Grilled fruit on skewers
Image via magone/depositphotos

Now that we’re in the midst of grilling season we bet you’ve been throwing meat, fish, potatoes, and veggies on the grill. But there’s something you’ve been missing—fruits. Have you grilled fruits before? When you grill fruits, they become caramelized, sweet, and crunchy. They make a delicious, but healthy dessert or side dish. Some fruits are meant to be grilled and here are five you must try.


Bananas caramelize beautifully on the grill and they’re even better when topped with ice cream, caramel, chocolate sauce, whipped cream, cinnamon, brown sugar, or rum.


Watermelon is already a staple at barbecues, but you can make it even more delicious by grilling it. Grilled watermelon is amazing by itself, in salads, or as the base of summer desserts.


Grilled peaches are to die for in vanilla ice cream, especially when they’re topped with a drizzle of oil. They’re also really great in salads and cocktails.


Instead of putting pineapple on a kebab, pair it with sorbet or in cocktails. You can even serve it by itself, for a delicious, no-fuss side dish.


Mangoes are a common ingredient in sweet salsas, so they work well when grilled and served with meats.