5 Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate health benefits
Photo by Charisse Kenion on Unsplash

We’ve all been told that chocolate isn’t the healthiest thing to eat. But recently, nutritionists and dieticians have been reporting that dark chocolate (chocolate with at least 70% cocoa) is actually very healthy and beneficial to our overall wellbeing. Here are five great health benefits of eating dark chocolate.

Full of Antioxidants

Cocoa beans are loaded with antioxidants. This means that dark chocolate can boost the immune system, reduce inflammation, and reduce stress.

Improves Blood Circulation

Dark chocolate also helps improve the vital flow of our blood. It sends a signal telling the arteries and veins to relax, allowing blood to pass through the body, to the extremities and vital organs.

High Nutrition

Dark chocolate is also packed full of nutrients. It is high in fiber, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium, and copper.

May Improve Heart Disease

Eating dark chocolate can help reduce the risk of clogged arteries and encourages the cardiovascular system to work optimally.

May Improve Brain Function

Cocoa contains some stimulating substances such as caffeine which can boost brain function in the short term. But it may also help cognitive performance in the elderly and those with impaired cognition.