America’s Most Iconic Fast Food French Fries

Photo by Christopher Williams on Unsplash

If you’re anything like us, you probably have some guilty pleasures when it comes to food. One of ours is fast food french fries, which might not be the healthiest thing on the planet, but is definitely a delicious treat to enjoy sporadically.

Fast food eateries in the United States are known for their french fries, and here are three chains whose unique fries are beloved by so many.


McDonald’s fries are probably the most beloved and famous ones in the entire country. Thin, long fries are prepared in vegetable oil and salted generously before being served piping hot. Whether you like them by themselves or dipped in ketchup, they’re undeniably delicious.


This fast food chain’s french fries are well known for their unique color and shape. Known as “curly fries”, these french fries are cut into a distinctive curly shape and seasoned in a spice mix containing paprika and garlic before being served. Yum!


Fried chicken might be Chick-Fil-A’s most famous calling card, but their “waffle fries” aren’t far behind. This chain serves up skin-on french fries cut into a distinctive waffle pattern which customers just can’t seem to get enough of.