Tricks for Making the Perfect Omelette

Image by Nemoel Nemo from Pixabay

Omelettes are one of our favorite breakfast staples—and one of its benefits is that there are many different ways to make it. Indeed, this delicious egg creation can be made with any sort of ingredients you like, including veggies, meat, and cheese.

Making an omelette isn’t rocket science, but there are a few things you should do in order to ensure that it turns out tasty. Here are three tricks that will help you make the perfect one.

Use a Small Pan

One of the most overlooked parts of omelette-making is the sort of pan that you use to do so. Instead of using a big one like you might for scrambled eggs, use a small pan that will help you shape the omelette and create a thicker egg layer.

Add Whole Milk

Before putting the beaten eggs into the pan, add a tablespoon or so of whole milk to the mixture. Why? This will help your eggs get fluffy and delicious as the proteins and fats in milk add a different dimension of texture.

Room Temperature Eggs

It’s way too easy to overcook eggs when making omelettes, which can cause it to set in place and the shape of your omelette to be compromised. Make sure your eggs are room temperature before cooking them in order to avoid this.