Are Fats on Your Naughty list? See Here Why They Shouldn’t Be!

Healthy cooking tips
Photo by Jannis Brandt on Unsplash

We often try to exclude fats from our eating habits but this is a mistake. You should be more aware about fats and learn which one you should keep and which one you should avoid in order to feel good in your skin.

Healthy fats can be good for you. But which are these?

1. Avocados – Rich in mono-unsaturated fat, boost immunity, lots of vitamins and proteins. (Excellent for pregnant women!)

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2. Butter – Rich in minerals and vitamins and contain omega-6 and omega-3.

3. Coconut Oil – Not stored in your body as fat, improve brain and memory function and is rich in medium-chain fatty acids.

Photo by Jonas Dücker on Unsplash

4. Virgin Olive Oil – Rich in mono-unsaturdared fats and antioxidants, boost heart health, memory and cognitive function. (Not recommended for cooking at high temperature)

5. Omega-3 from Fish – Contain DHA and EPA.

6. Nuts and Seeds – Rich in Omega-3, help lower LDL and bad cholesterol.

Photo by Denise Johnson on Unsplash

7. Eggs – Rich in proteins, lower cholesterol, improve heart health and reduce risk of metabolic syndrome.

8. Organic Beef – Prevent cancer and other diseases and reduce the risk of heart disease.

Photo by Jez Timms on Unsplash

9. Full-Fat Diary – Full of Omega-3, vitamins, proteins and probiotics.

10. Dark Chocolate – High in fat and rich in antioxidants, protects against diseases and improve heart health.

These were the healthy fats. You also have some unhealthy fats (plenty of them), such as Bacon and Canola Oil and these should be kept away from your eating habits.