Avoid These Mistakes While Making Grilled Veggies

Grilled veggies tips
Photo by Egor Myznik on Unsplash

Grilled veggies are one of the most beloved summer side dishes that can add flavor and color to your plate. Grilling the veggies is not particularly challenging, but try to avoid these common mistakes. If you do, we guarantee that you’ll make the best grilled veggies every time!

Overcooking the Veggies

The best thing about grilling the veggies is that they will be done in less than 10 minutes, so keep an eye on the grill. Overcooked veggies will lose their nutrition and taste, and you certainly don’t want that.

Not Cooking the Veggies

Most veggies such as mushrooms, onions, and bell peppers don’t need to be cooked before grilling. However, firmer veggies like potatoes, asparagus, or pumpkin should be pre-cooked for only a few minutes if you want them to be delicious.

Not Using Oil

In case your veggies are sticking to the grill then you’re probably not using enough oil. Using olive or coconut oil is a good way to avoid this, but also to make grilled veggies more juicy and tasty.

Grilling Over High Heat

Veggies can easily burn on a grill, so you don’t want to cook them over high heat the entire time. Turn down the heat after a few minutes and make sure to turn the veggies often.