Important Safety Tips For Using Kitchen Knives Safely

Kitchen knives tips
Photo by Danilo Rios on Unsplash

Kitchen knives are one of those useful tools that we use on a daily basis, and that’s why it’s important to use and store them properly. Then again, this is a lot easier said than done, and there are some protocols that need to be followed. Here are some important safety tips for handling knives in order to stay safe and avoid injuries in the kitchen.

Use Sharp Knives

Even if it sounds strange, dull knives are more dangerous than sharp ones, because using a dull knife can lead to serious injuries in the kitchen. That’s why it’s important to always use sharp knives.

Never Catch a Falling Knife

Another common way people get injured in the kitchen is by trying to catch a falling knife. Grabbing a falling knife is a natural reaction, but in these situations, it’s best to step away and let it fall.

Take Your Time

Even people who are very skilled in the kitchen should never rush when cutting food, because you can easily get distracted and injure yourself.

Stable Surfaces

Cutting food on stable surfaces such as wooden or plastic boards is also very important in order to prevent items from sliding and preventing injuries in the kitchen.

Store Knives Properly

Keeping your knives in a drawer or on a magnetic board is important in order to avoid accidents, but it will also prolong their life.