Best Pans You Can Get For Making Crêpes

Making crepes
Photo by Elina Fairytale on Pexels

If you love the idea of eating pancakes that are thin and crispy. then crêpes will be right up your alley. Still, to whip these up, you’ll need a great crêpe maker or pan at your disposal. Here are the best crêpe makers and pans that you can get make this scrumptious snack.

Lodge 10.5-Inch Cast-Iron Griddle

Pre-seasoned to automatically pack your crêpes with flavor, this durable, cast-iron pan will certainly serve you well. What’s particularly helpful about this Lodge griddle is its heat distribution and its ability to manage high temperatures.

CucinaPro Electric Crêpe Maker

Boasting five temperature settings, this crêpe maker is perfect for cooking crêpes to your exact preference. This non-stick CicinaPro is user-friendly, with sticky rubber feet to secure the crêpe maker in place and green and red lights to indicate when your hot crêpes are ready.

Le Creuset Enameled Cast-Iron Crêpe Pan

Given its lifetime guarantee, this top-quality crêpe pan is highly durable. There are also plenty of color options available, enabling you to pick the stylish, non-stick pan of your choice.