Common Mistakes That are Ruining Your Rice

Sticky rice
Photo by Faris Mohammed on Unsplash

Rice is a staple in so many countries around the world, and it makes a delicious accompaniment to dishes including curry, chilli and dahl. But sometimes, common mistakes can result in under or over cooked rice, or rice that is too gloopy and sticky. Check out these tips on how to achieve perfect rice every time, without using a rice cooker.

Rinse The Rice

If you don’t thoroughly rinse the rice, the finished result will be incredibly glutinous and sticky. Use a sieve and stir the rice under running water to ensure that every strand gets rinsed.

Cover With Cold Water

Cover the rice with at least 1 inch of cold water. Let the rice come to the boil, before reducing the heat and letting it simmer until it has absorbed the rest of the water.

Don’t Stir

Avoid stirring the rice until the final few minutes of cooking. Stirring can change the texture of the rice and stop it from absorbing all of the water. Once the rice is almost cooked, fluff it with a serving utensil before serving as quickly as possible.

Avoid common mistakes when cooking you rice, to get results of soft, fluffy rice every time!